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Conduct, Lies and Corruption: My unanswered complaint to the Conservative Party Feb 2022

01/02/22 Original Letter Sent by email...

Dear Nadine Dorries,

I wanted to write to you to express my concern about the integrity of the government you represent.

I am not a political person and am not loyal to any political party. Until these recent years I never even took an interest. I did not trust any particular politician or party and just got on with the daily life of working, parenting, and living lawfully. However, I’m now at my wits end and feel sick to my bones and quite frankly when I just watched your video defence on national TV (C4) for me, that was the last straw.

Before yesterday I did not even know who you were and when I heard you childishly and angrily defend this corruption and lies with playground responses like “he said it first” and finalised with “The PM tells the truth”. That is the last straw. Then I looked you up. Only to be horrified to learn that you’re the MP around where I live. In Flitwick/Ampthill. I couldn’t be more embarrassed and sickened to think you could be the one standing in parliament speaking on behalf of me who you represent? Well I watched yesterdays debacle in parliament live. For the 1st time in my life because I felt it was so historic and important. Now if you do reply (I doubt you will), save yourself the wasted time of repeating what the PM repeated twenty times about being bound by the legal implications. But it was clear that some conservative backbenchers showed some minerals by taking off their self-preserving blinkers and rightly tackling this embarrassment of a Prime Minister.

The continued response from the blinded loyalist with perhaps something to hide or gain is, ‘well he  has apologised’, lets get on with the ‘more important’ issues. That’s what the public wants. To me this is completely missing the point. How can we expect to trust your government with bigger issues? Have you heard of breach of trust? You don’t steal from your company then get to make even bigger important decisions. I have international business meetings on a regular basis and on the last occasion I had business associates from 3 different countries laughing and mocking us about the reputation of our country. I think you are all missing the point. Of course, it’s so insulting that you trivialise the behaviour of your colleagues to all those who lost loved ones and are scarred for life, but then your parties line is that this is now a boring low important topic that no one cares about. Actually, despite being raised on a council estate in domestic violence and suffering abuse so much so that I couldn’t complete my education, not having enough wealth to go to university or private school, I’m not an idiot. Its clear to me that this ‘distraction’ you all refer to is actually the perfect diversion for you all. from what is actually the big failures, corruption and deception and the other parties are not focused on it because they have fell into your convenient trap of acting out this, as your colleagues described as ‘nonsense’. Only the labour MP for Bedford Mohammad Yasin yesterday referred back to these other massive issues of corruption and as usual this was shot down. Well, seeing your angry response to questioning I’m sure I will get the same, I can visualise you rolling your eyes and petulance but I want answers now and I will share this letter far and wide to get them. Let me also express to you why this contempt and laughing at lies means so much to me. Especially with you previously being a nurse and someone that had a post on prevention of suicide. 

I was suicidal in the past when I lost everything, but despite a recruited accountant getting my documents wrong and HMRC writing to me where I didn’t live, despite that I was told, its my responsibility, even though I am not an accountant and had no idea how to deal with the complicated useless system. I had fines to pay (not tax) and many years to come, I was to pay them (appeals went nowhere).

There was no relief for me. I had lost everything I’d worked honestly for, despite an horrific childhood in poverty and domestic violence and abuse, I chose the good life and for most it was paying off. I had worked my way into business and despite more set backs of injury I qualified in Sport and had unbelievable experiences in professional football where I gained excellent reputation. But behind my bubbly enthusiastic front, I was facing being homeless and had began self-harming. I was not rich, I had no hidden money, I had followed the advice of an account, but it was my fault. I had to take that responsibility and was pursued to the point of breakdown.

Since then, I’ve wrangled and worked my way back. Through resilience, fight, determination, and hard honest graft.

Then as always seemingly in my life of bad luck and challenges, my wife had fallen critically ill and it was a battle. It took us by surprise and our family sports business fell apart. I was selling all my possessions on ebay just to get the hospital to London daily as she fought for her life. This was in the coming years and months leading to coronavirus and I could see first-hand what a poor environment the NHS was as good people worked tirelessly with hands tied behind their backs.

My wife’s illness is still ongoing and has long term consequences of coronavirus medical delays. To be fair where I can, this was mentioned by the PM. You see, I don’t have blind loyalty. The trouble is, do I believe him? But, albeit having no external support, we have come back. I am starting a campaign called ‘profit in poor’ (@profitinpoor) which I want to highlight and campaign for changes in how government, banks and debt collection agencies operate with people who fall into serious unplanned trouble. (This is not people that simply refuse to repay a debt). I have a new business and my family is back in front. I am finally not having a panic attack when I see the Postman walk up my drive. But we never stole, we never took a handout, we never resorted to corruption or fraud. We worked on broken laptops till midnight all day every day for 18 months while I held down a job and now we are close to thinking about getting back on the housing ladder. It has been one hell of a battle! When you have been at the bottom and worked so hard to come back with pride and integrity, its absolutely insulting to think that the people in government feel that can throw our money around like confetti to line their pockets and those of their friends and family. These are the important issues I want addressed. But judging by your interview I suspect you won’t reply and will brush this aside. Laugh at it and sneer at it. Like I see you all do yesterday. So the only thing to do is make sure, for me, someone that rarely voted, to make sure I vote people like you and Boris Johnson out in future. Which party would I vote for? I don’t know, but I’ve frequently heard people describe that voting Conservative currently was the lessor of two evils and even know and except the lies as the better option. Well, its not for me and thankfully the vast majority of people I talk to daily.


  • I will never forgive this PM from when he said that we were “spaffing money up the wall” on historic child sex crimes. This is personal to me and the voice of a very lucky but socially uneducated person. Repercussion is the only approach to this, if he needs that explaining he should never be any influential role let alone the PM
  • He had contempt for the working class (2005) saying the bottom 20% of society were chavs & burglars. My late mother cooked for neighbours on our council estate. She helped the elderly. I was poor growing up but I never stole a penny. We still were taught respect and good manners. Who the hell does this man think he is then when his own party members are stealing millions of pounds of our hard earned public money. Then has the front to put my mother down. Crime and bad people exist in all walks of life. In all cultures, all religions and all social classes. As do good people! (The majority being the latter). An idiot that does any reasonable research can tell you that with fact and evidence. Yes, some desperate people take desperate measure including theft. I don’t condone it, I never have. But, what’s worse? Not worrying about how you will eat your next meal, or being very privileged yet greed sets you still to theft and corruption on a level no council estate residence could ever pull off. He described blue collar workers (1995) as “likely to be drunk, criminals and aimless. This man then feels like he can toy with taxpayers money like its his. I have huge respect for a blue collar worker that works long hours, doesn’t break the law, doesn’t steal, has decency, is caring and has integrity. All the features the PM doesn’t have and nor do those that laugh off this entitled buffoons ludicrous behaviour.
  • Where is the enquiry and details of the dodgy flat refurbishment? Again the PM lost his memory on this one. An excuse that doesn’t wash in any government tax or fraud department for the public. He sends WhatsApp messages to Lord Brownlow but then forgets? Does he think I’m too stupid to forget this and let you all brush this under the carpet?
  • Whatever we think of the Dominic Cummings fiasco. Whatever I think of him. I remember clearly the garden press release regarding Barnard Castle. This was supported by this PM and later he shut down questions saying he was satisfied with the response. What sort of fool would except this? Again absolutely insulting to those that didn’t travel. Whilst your government thinks it can fine people and have a different set of rules if you are mates with the PM?
  • Where is the £4Bn + of missing PPE money and what is being done to recover it? Your department sent me nearly to suicide for £12,000 I DIDN’T OWE! Yet you think that I, Joe Public can then just except you moving millions of pounds around your mates and families inadequate businesses? You think we are too gullible and stupid to let it go? Whoever is involved should be tried and jailed. Read your own government pages on Serious fraud and corruption. You claim to be the upstanding example of this globally but instead have made us a laughing stock. This priority VIP lane is a major criminal theft of our money that dwarfs any major crime in UK history. Companies like Luxelifestyle, Ayanda awarded millions of pounds with no previous experience. No website, no telephone number, no email address. I read Ayanda made £17m with many companies with questionable links to your ministers. I want this thoroughly investigated. You see, this unprecedented level of theft and corruption needs to see those that profited illegally to be investigated by your own department like SFO. Suddenly the other parties talking about cake serves as good distraction and time elapsed for the stupid public to forget about this other deception? Or create some other fear story to help the diversion.
  • The government need to publish an unedited version of the Sue Gray report in full. If it is required lawfully to name those fined is irrelevant. It is a matter of remorse, owning up and leading by example. The action of this government has made the job harder for the police that it claims to support. This will not go away until there is wholehearted owning up. How on earth can the government be trusted to with our nuclear defence decisions, if it cant tell the truth about cakes and parties?
  • Then finally, the Brexit lies. This might shock you. As mentioned previously, I am not blind loyal. So I tried to do homework and found that the benefits were too good and voted for Brexit. As it turned out, your leader pulled the wool over my eyes! You have the nerve, the Gaul to say yesterday “the pm tells the truth”. Seriously? There is now a long list of proven lies. From his mouth, not created by journalist. I travelled Europe at the time on business. I learned for example that the so-called decisions that were being taken in Brussels were actually not as described. That’s before we get to the famous £350m per week to help the NHS. We know in history, fear is one of the best method to gain support of your public. Now again, promises are broken and the manifesto of lies is all coming out. Too many to list!

 Despite Ian Blackford getting thrown out of parliament, I actually think he was right to stand up to this despicable government. Let me ask you to clarify my final question. If I wilfully or inadvertently mislead the tax office, is the outcome different? If I wilfully or inadvertently mislead the police, for a major crime, would they believe me? If you mislead someone to the same outcome and its inadvertently, do you agree then that the only conclusion is that the person that done it is either incompetent or he’s a liar. Its one of the two. Please tell me which one you think it is?

04.02.22 Update

I felt that writing this down, got it off my chest. So maybe I wouldn’t bother sending it. What will change? They don’t care about us. Ive never engaged or written to a minister as like I mentioned, I don’t trust them. However, when I now this morning (02.02.22) read the volume of money being written of, actually double the disputed illegal PPE distributed. Plus your Rishi Sunaks commitment to go after Covid fraudsters, good. I support that and his quickest and biggest gain will be no10 Downing Street. Or is that too complicated and a breach of loyalty? Or those in Parliament are not open or subject to scrutiny and law?

Every day more reasons to questions the leadership of this countries integrity and just plain simple decency comes to light. Laughing and sneering at us, you have no connection with real people and have no grasp of what it is like to live on the breadline. In the last couple of days we have seen…


  • More playground antics, with fake insults being thrown around the house of commons but ones which can be extremely damaging to an individual personal life.
  • Energy prices rising, cost of living going up, NI going up, whilst you avoid the top earners. Offering to loan desperate people and families £200 whilst you put your costs on expenses?


I cannot wait for any elections and as having spent many years not being bothered about voting, like many others, I want to thank you. Only now do I realise how important it is. I now will queue for miles to ensure people like you and the most disgraceful civil servant in British history, Boris Johnson do not get anywhere need public office again. You all also need to face a public enquiry for your disgraceful behaviour and see legal repercussions for proof of lies and deception.

You either admit that this farce has to be stopped, its wrecking your political party, show some pride and dignity. Your defending the undefendable. Or your complicit and you should be treated as such when the public finally move to remove this buffoon from office, if your colleagues don’t.

Feel free to address these issues, become nice, be honest, be kind and genuine. Im always willing to give people a second chance.

Feel free also to show me and explain to me how I am wrong. But do so with fact.


Yours sincerely

Anthony McCool


From: Tony McCool

Sent: 04 February 2022 14:00
Subject: MP and PM Conduct Complaint


@ Conservatives. This complaint is direct at you and some of your members, in particular the Prime Minister. I feel all 7 of the attached standards are not currently being upheld.

11.02.22 Sent to 

DORRIES, Nadine <>; Standards Commissioner <>; Complaints <>;;;


 I got no reply to my complaint. According to google you have the excuse of not responding if my address is not included. So, my address is…


Furthermore, Your MP Kwasi Kwarteng needs adding to this complaint, how dare he suggest that fraud is somehow not considered in crime. Fraud = Theft. This guy is meant to be representing business? I was defrauded and it was a factor in my small family business falling apart, losing my home. My critically ill wife stood across our home office crying and said to me, “that’s it isn’t it, that’s our cash gone, were finished arnt we”. This was because of fraud. Which Action Fraud did nothing about, neither did the police and eventually I received an apology from Bedfordshire Police. What disgraceful ignorance in blind loyalty defence again from a politician with a clear lack of integrity and grasp of reality. How the hell was this fraud not an everyday worry? I lost my livelihood and home! Apologise, to me, personally!

Added to this I add Mark Spencer and his insulting comments that people in the ‘real world don’t care about partygate’. Well I would like to know what experience he has of the real world? I do care about our government being corrupt and constant lies. So, am I not in the real world? This gentleman does not represent me and I want an apology. Don’t tell me what I care about and if I don’t agree, then imply im deluded. Absolute arrogance!

At least the former Prime Minister Sir John Major showed some decency and dignity with his latest speech and attack on those that think Lies are acceptable in government. He came across intelligent and empathetic. Attributes I have not witnessed for years from this governments corrupt lying members.

Later today I will post this letter to journalist as you seem to think ignorance works. You all just go on TV and say that your listening to people on the doorstep, you are delivering what “people want”. Well you have never been on my doorstep. But more than welcome! Or tell me where I can go and share my experience of the ‘real world’ and tell me personally, where I am wrong.


Your Sincerely


Anthony McCool




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