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Never give up & Never stop believing. My Story

To understand why I launched Profit in Poor, im disclosing some of the trauma, drama and bud luck I've had along the way. I also know that there are people worse off than me. But I hope at least one person reads this and changes there mind if they are considering the disaster option. I know they may even think that there family would be better off without them, but i hope they realise they can survive, the clouds will clear if they don't give up. In the meantime, we must put a stop the these private companies profiting from people in there darkest time. Put your feet up, this is a 10 minute read.

It was January 2018. It was the lowest, scariest time of my life. I was walking along the Southbank walking back from the hospital. I had done this many times already and I was in a daze. I was terrified that I was losing my wife and as well as that, albeit much less important, I was on the brink of losing my 2nd home in a few years. I had been trying to hide my real internal terror from everyone. Laughing and joking. But that has always been an affective cover for me, that actually helps. But I was embarrassed as well. I felt ashamed. On the outside, I was a business owner, I was a professional football coach, I was the strong person that others always go to. But inside I was screaming. I must admit, I wanted it all to end but I knew, that my wife and kids needed me. That kept me going.

My business was falling apart. The strategy was long term so income was low, but suddenly with Louise in hospital we couldn’t cope. I was also in the hospital nearly every day in London and in the year leading up to that when she first fell ill, we were back and forward to hospital every week. I wasn’t able to travel far for work. Added to that I tried to keep my football role going. The club were facing relegation and to be fair they supported me so well.
But they, and I didn’t appreciate the pressure that this was putting on my income and business. Finally, the 3rd strike was a fraud and perhaps being clouded I fell for it. It was a major blow, and I became angry with the lack of response from the police. This occupied more time, and this compounded to our business becoming pointless. All that work, years of research and effort. My wife stood in front of me and cried saying “It’s over isn’t it”. It was indeed. We couldn’t sustain the losses anymore and had used all our savings to keep it alive. Maybe in slim hope that Louise would be treated for something, and she would improve, and we would get back to work. It didn’t happen. She got progressively worse. I had only lost my family home in the recent years prior. I was coming back. I was faced with crippling debt. Including HMRC for debts I didn’t owe. I was called constantly, every day. How could I pay anybody with what I didn’t have? I was selling anything and everything of value on ebay to get the cash to travel to London for hospital. Compounding this, was the experience and failures in the treatment of my desperately ill wife.  

We always used the phrase, “it could always be worse” and whilst we had healthy children that was always our mantra. But in truth, we didn’t seem to have a lot of luck. So much so, I wanted to write a book and call it “you couldn’t make it up”. Because, when you tell the story, it doesn’t sound real. It’s too farfetched. I’ve never before spoken about it and now I think, what If I committed suicide, what if I got too sick. But loads of people are in similar situations but our pride means we don’t talk. Many commit suicide. So, actually, maybe if I share a bit more, what If one person changes their mind and decides to stay in the fight? Well, then it must be worth it. Throughout I was shocked at the behaviour of debt collection and banks. Maybe sharing my story could drive some change. The support charities are great (I guess, I never used them), but I want more than advice, I want the law changed. Therefore, now I’m in a much better place, I am launching Profit in Poor. To launch a petition, expose bad directors and companies and change the law to stop the poor being traded for unreasonable profit.

So, here we go, let me go back a bit further and describe how I got to this point….

My Story
We are in a really strong position again. Through hard work, dedication and not giving up. For 18 months I worked every evening and weekends on our new business. When I took time off from my day job the majority of those days I’d spend doing work on our business. Building the plan. the business model, the strategy, the marketing, the website, the brochures, the customer information, the administration and database. I had been here before only recently. I spent years putting together my previous sports business and made some poor decisions in time, people, and strategy. So now I was starting from scratch again, but I didn’t see any other option. Albeit in a good position, I had a good job as well. But now, just a job wouldn’t be enough to retire comfortably. All the risk and bad luck and losses that got us into that situation, was now the very reason I felt I had no choice but to yet again take the gamble and I was comfortable now that I had the best people around that cared about me and I them. But, perhaps let’s go back further. I need to leave out some detail and perhaps the real depth of some aspects are still hard to describe, and it already sounds unbelievable. As my friend said, if your life was on Netflix, people would say it’s too farfetched. Right, if you have a small violin, go fetch it now!

I have good memories of early childhood. Despite the hardship and challenges we were taught good manners and kindness. Unfortunately, I did see domestic violence in my early memories and by the end of primary school I realised I was doing things different to other children. I also didn’t take part in things like school trips etc.

By secondary school things had got worse as I had seen and felt the daily struggles of living in poverty. Coupled with living and seeing daily domestic violence. My mother struggled with 5 children and barely any income. At Christmas she would take on extra cleaning jobs and of course we now know that was for presents. But as I got older things got worse.

Without going into detail, I lived amongst some sick people whom I don’t blame, but in my teenage years I also became a victim of this violence. I didn’t have a chance to do homework. There was little ‘normality’. We didn’t go on holidays or to restaurants. It was a pretty dysfunctional, violent, abusive childhood. Of course, outside of home, I was bullied, and not just for bright orange hair. Word got out that we were very poor and had no carpets, toilet seats or no phone. Little did they know we seen toilet paper as a bonus! We always had a spare daily mirror though!

I dreaded non uniform day and on one occasion I went in my school uniform and pretended I forgot. The stick I took for that was less embarrassing than my own ‘best’ clothes. Mind you, some would say they haven’t got much better and that’s through choice! Inevitably, fighting happened a lot and I became angry. Later in my teens I took my anger out on objects, brick walls and fences, to this day my hands bear the scars and pain from that era. What kept me going was football and my dog Benji. Plus, my siblings had a pretty ruthless sense of humour and we have carried that forward to today. I also had hope, I had a couple of friends whose parents were good to me and being in their quiet lives at times made me yearn for that and I vowed I wanted that serenity, I wanted to be a success, be a winner, think big and change the cycle.

I didn’t have a great start though, I left school with nothing. I tried to sit one exam, but I couldn’t focus. I had been up until early hours with fighting and arguing. My head was untouchable with swelling and bruises. I was just exhausted and left. I couldn’t do any revision anyway as I had other carer like priorities by then. I didn’t therefore see the point of sitting the rest, and I had no encouragement to either. One thing which was great was that by now, I had made some pretty great friends. One in particular who I still cherish today. (Hope he doesn’t read this, were not great at compliments)!
20 years apart he stepped in to raise money running the London Marathon and then Cycling London to Brighton for Thrombosis UK

Whilst there were great moments, it hasn’t been all bad, but here is some of the key moments, main events of bad luck and result of some bad decisions.

Adult Life (Aged 16 – 20)
· Had sat one exam (PE) and passed. I left one other and didn’t show up for the rest
· I had an opportunity to leave home and play football. I did. 6 months later I had snapped my ACL and returned on a bus in a full plaster cast. No family met me there, I got a bus from Luton train station to home on crutches and with my bags. I was gutted to be home.
· I had op attempt at ACL reconstruction, but surgery failed. I walked to hospital, to my physio appointments and rehab myself.
· Tried to be help my siblings which was tough and relentless. I love them dearly and wanted to fix everything.
· Started working, in a market and then a factory. I loved it.
· Started to witness the deep damage and carnage and results of drink, drugs, and abuse.
· Tried to be a role model and help my siblings.
· Asked the only person in my adult life for help. My uncle. He said he couldn’t. I never asked anyone again.

Adult Life (Aged 21 – 25)
· Further dysfunctionality with home life. Despite moving out. Got another good job, progressed quickly, but was getting daily calls and updates of home situation and battles with desperation. I would go missing to take care of my family members.

· Got back playing non-league football. I Suffered a major head injury. Unconscious, swallowed tongue and stopped breathing. Was resuscitated by an off duty ambulancewoman and came round but suffered amnesia and was in hospital. Was the main story in local news. 

· My now wife and I have engagement party, but it descends into chaos.

· Lose our 1st child in miscarriage. RIP Bethany.

· 1st Son is born in 1998

· Back in surgery for another attempt to fix my ACL as my knee keeps dislocating and it prevents me taking part in sport and restricts physical work. I wake up, surgeon tells me it failed.
· We run away to Gretna Green to get married in serenity with close friends
· My father passes away aged 48. He at least met my son who was only 5 months old which was a blessing
· I had to step up to organise dad’s funeral and take charge to relieve my mum of responsibility
· I play in a football match, knee dislocates again. Doctors tell me I cannot carry my dad’s coffin. I get wooden splints strapped to my leg by medics for stability and I disobeyed to carry it.
· My work success sustains me buying my 1st house
· My young 14 year old brother, struggles with the turmoil and he comes to live with us

Adult Life (Aged 26 – 30)
· We upgrade our home to move into a bigger one with continued work success
· Start my own business. Goes great.
· Wife pregnant with 2nd child but starts to go wrong. She developed placenta previa.
· Wife has terrifying pregnancy,
· We are in and out of hospital with some lengthy stops and bed rest. So, I care for my 1st Son while trying to trade.
· A major haemorrhage whilst I was coaching, and we race to hospital. She receives blood transfusion. Doctor takes me to one side and asks me what the priority is. Her or the baby? Both lives at risk and I may need to decide. I answer “Both”!
· My 2nd son is born premature by emergency caesarean and taken straight to Neonatal intensive care.
· I try to trade out my company which was struggling due to little hands-on time. Eventually get an offer for its customer details and pipeline. I am desperate for cash and agree. I do it on the verbal agreement and the money in return never appears.
· Our 2nd child comes home after many weeks in hospital 
· Louise falls sick. She is diagnosed with a life-threatening blood clot (DVT). Further lengthy treatment and test reveal a long-term illness. She will be on blood thinning warfarin for life with some pretty big lifestyle changes. Eating, drinking, and travelling would change forever.
· My poor mother passes away aged 49. I’m 25. I’ve got experience now, so I get the funeral organised. My sons will live with no memories of their grandparents. 
· We fell into hardship. We lose our car and that was followed up with selling our home to avoid the inevitable. I desperately ask the government if there is any support for us, even temporary but they refuse. We can’t afford to buy and rent from an old family friend.

· We are warned that my wife falling pregnant would be a huge risk to her life. As is any unnecessary surgery. I get a vasectomy.

· Family members fall deeper in to spiralling dysfunctionality and despite trying to help, it becomes heart-breaking to watch the painful destruction. I am really scratching the surface here but don’t want to say more as its deeply personal and private.

· I learn there are concerns about my mother’s upbringing in that she may have been a poor victim of pure evil as a child.
· I continue to hold down jobs. I went to work for a major electronics manufacturer and was approached on recommendation to be a director of a new business that had strong financial stability.
· A minor shareholder, but this was my chance. I worked day and night. Year one turned over £1m. Yr2 £2m and we were making reasonable profit. We recruited year on year. I was now the MD and part owner in a multimillion-pound business.

Adult Life (Aged 31 – 35)
· We had great early years. I was able to get back on the property ladder again and buy my own house. We had a lovely car. We travel to Disney Land Paris by train 1st class. We go to major sporting events in hospitality.
 · My professional coaching development is still progressing and I’m gaining respect at professional football clubs with approaches. 
· Can’t take part in sport, knee dislocates on a regular basis due to having no ACL and can’t do some very simple things with our kids, like run around on a beach.
· Things start to go wrong in the business. Money is missing and the numbers don’t add up. The two other majority shareholders had begun to take steps to bring me down and all in the name of money. I had shares worth a lot on paper but when I uncovered theft and wrongdoing from the other owners, I was advised by my solicitor to walk away.
· My world fell apart again. I made some bad decision and was tinkering with suicide for the 1st time. These crooks had ripped me and my family apart.
· Whilst it was the right thing to do to walk away from these awful people, it crippled me. I then made a bad business decision and that one cost me heavy. I felt worthless, hopeless, out of my depth. Had I bluffed my way to being a business owner? I was dyslexic, I couldn’t even write properly, I didn’t do maths. I wasn’t as good as a thought I was. My self-belief, confidence and worth was gone. For me, it was over.
· We are desperate for a break, a holiday. We borrow money and book a holiday to Florida. My wife gets another blood clot and doctors words to her are “If you go on that holiday, you will come back in a box”. We chose to cancel it and lose our deposit.

Adult life (Aged 36 – 40)
· I had gone to work in Germany for a short time and this ended up being a few years. But it got me back on my feet. I had dusted myself down and started to enjoy working again and the chase of business. I got my confidence back
· I progressed again in football well and created great memories
· During my latest coaching badge course I join in to help others and inevitably, my knee dislocated. It’s the worst one yet. I now have snapped ACL, Snapped LCL, internal bleeding and a crack in the base of my femur. It was horrific 
· I get offered new surgery. (Had 7 operations now) It’s combined and unique. But new surgeon tries, and he succeeds. My knee is finally stable following another year’s rehab. First time in my adult life.
· Income falls. I cant earn enough
· Hounded by HMRC. A debt I didn’t owe. From years before. I appealed and sent all the evidence to prove but they dismiss it. This had racked up to thousands. I didn’t have it, it made working pointless. I appealed desperately over the phone and a guy said “you’re the one that has not paid their taxes”. This is untrue, I have always paid my tax. 
· I wanted a job but was deemed overqualified as being a former business owner. I applied for over 50 jobs and for the first time looked outside of my industry.
· Start a business. I have ideas about a new sport. I want to do something great with my life
· I fall sick with Acute Prostatitis and end up in hospital. I was scared. I knew I was very sick.
· I am fitted with a urine catheter to aid recovery and sent home to keep getting better
· We book a dream holiday to Rome. But driving as my wife cannot fly on medical advice, a friend had offered to lend us a mobile home to help us. Weeks later My wife got her third blood clot (DVT) and we cancelled it as she was too ill to travel.
· My son was embarking on a football career. Had been in an academy for 3 years and had some options. At 16, snapped his ACL and embarked on his 1st major knee surgery after a year of waiting
· We sold our home and the equity helps us to survive and also to invest in our business.
- We moved ourselves out of our home with our two kids. Louise could barely walk due to DVT and I was also on crutches due to knee which I put heavy strapping on to move out and put our belongings in family members garage for storage.  

Adult Life (Aged 40-44)
· Business was going well and steadily growing but it still needed topping up, I was the only resource for funding, but we had our game being recognised in multiple countries and appeared on BBC, so that slight loss was planned and expected early on. 

· I had joined a non-league football club to try and save it from total disappearance
· I feel stupid, fall for ‘purchase order fraud’. Known in the USA. Our business already owed us thousands, suddenly we had our remaining cash stolen and tied up.
· My wife falls quite sick following a routine angiogram, a DVT related procedure. Gradually she begins falling in crippling pain following eating. She begins to starve and over the next year becomes critically ill.
· We are back and forward to hospital every week, then more than once a week
· Later the same year. The ACL that my son had repaired, snaps. It fails. He needs major surgery again after 2 years of rehabilitation.
· My wife now cannot work, nor can my son who also worked for the business.
· I cannot go out and coach to bring in revenue, I am now caring for my wife.
· We are broke again, and selling personal items on ebay to collect cash to travel to London hospital
· I waste too much time chasing the fraud and frustrations at lack of action.
· I’m being hounded by debt collection and HMRC daily
· My son has his 2nd ACL reconstruction in 2018
· We are told we need to move out of our hell hole rented house
· My wife is admitted to hospital and overall has 14 procedures following referral to St Thomas in London for life saving help.
· I get offered a new job; I rip their hands off. I do well, I’ve got income, were back in financial recovery
· We close the sports business and move on
· We juggle things to move, and we change town. A fresh start.
· We are in with Lawyers discussing my wife’s medical situation. I look out the window and I see children on a playground in a school playing the game I created with one of my goals.
· Still back and forward to hospital. If she is not admitted, then its regular visits back and forth.
· We now know wife’s further DVT’s had caused further damage in new areas. Affecting her eating food.

Adult Life (45-46)
· Yet again I overachieved at work. Pitched to the board of huge business and they backed me. Started a new team and overachieved year on year. Win industry award and company award.
· I raise grievance with HMRC from years earlier and finally they show some empathy. (All to do with a company car I never ever had and fines going to an address I didn’t live at).
· I start to fight back with illegal debt collection. I’m in flight or fight now.
· Coronavirus is here and I feel frustrated with people. They will soon be able to return to pubs, restaurants, and holidays. We won’t. But later soften my view. It’s not their fault.
· Feel completely let down and deserted by football and most of its people. A selfish greedy world. Helped a lot of people. Feel like I gave up most of my time for little return.
· My older son snaps his ACL and Anterolateral Ligament in his other knee. The 3rd. He needs major surgery again.
· I started my latest business. I didn’t want to wait to get into hardship. I learned before. Time passing has cost me in the past.
· I take my time to build the best business I can, and within weeks of launch win a major consultancy role from a major global manufacturer
· My older son had his 3rd ACL reconstruction Surgery. This time on his other knee now. Starts the full year rehab again with no complaints.

47 Now
I’m finally back in front financially, after years of battling. We’ve been behind from the start of our adult life and finally were in front. Ripped off badly and been victims of fraud. Lost businesses, battled health, debt, injuries, losing homes, but never gave up. Now, I have a clear score account and it says, ‘Souring High & Stable’. Look at me go! I haven’t missed one payment in 5 years. It says just 1 in the last 6 years. I have voted. (Got that wrong ha-ha)! I’m not terrified to see the postman and having a panic attack. I have a credit card; I have a new car, I have savings, I have three pensions. We have a great business, an excellent overseas contract with great people and now we’re finally looking to get back into our new own home. I want a home that I can put a small lane swimming pool in for my wife Louise to be able to use due to her health. I will get there. In the meantime, it has taken 7 years, but we have survived (just).

My younger son had a set back on his dream with the RAF. But this month started life as a policeman. July he will pass out. My older son has a few months left of university. Despite 6 years of injuries. His football career fell apart. 3 ACL reconstructions. He went back to university late. Undergraduate. Little money, he's got through it. He graduates in June. I can’t believe the resilience. All this from both of them while watching their mother battled cruel illness.

I couldn't be prouder. I've broken the cycle.

What’s kept me going?
1. People: My immediate family of course, in my darkest times I know I cannot leave them. They need me. Maybe their vulnerability is what kept me going. A handful of friends, not many mind you, but a handful of super people that have no idea how important they have been. It is also incredible how busy your phone is when others have something to gain. It’s equally incredible how the phone goes quiet when you’re in trouble. I now love to call people for no reason. Just check in. Certainly, I get a call from two or three great friends nearly every day & plenty of messages.

2. Activity: Football became a big chore and a job for me, so much time and I lost faith in the people. So important to me was finding a peaceful hobby. That for me was cooking. I got creative after a doctor challenged me to find ways to get certain critical natural vitamins into my wife’s diet. The spark that had burned out with football lit up with cooking. Now I have a full book of recipes and besides walking, it’s my favourite activity and calming. I love it!

3. Laughing: Comedy. The best thing in the world. I Love laughing and laugh through all our bad luck. I laugh at myself, and I guess this is the only thing I miss about 25 years of football dressing rooms. I also have some great friends that make me laugh every day. Background comedy is the only way I can get to sleep. Watching classic British comedy. If I didn’t have only fools, porridge, the office, etc, I don’t think I could have got to this point.

It scares me that some are offended by comedy. I need it! If I don’t like something I walk past it. Or turn over. Of course, there is a line, but for me, it’s been critical to my survival. Comedy was really important as a child. My family have a great sense of humour and that goes back to my Irish roots. I sincerely need to say thanks to ...

David Jason, Nicholas Lyndhurst, John challis, Roger Lloyd Pack and all the cast of Only Fools and Horses, you'll never know how important you were to our family. Of course, the incredible writing that lurched from tears to laughter, but you covered desperation we could relate to. 
 “never stop believing eh bruv”

Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant etc for The Office, just fantastic work. But also then the emotional roller-coaster of Derek, Extras etc.

John Cleese and Michael Palin for the holy grail, life of Brian, A fish called Wanda, and of course the great Fawlty Towers with Andrew Sachs

Ronnie Barker for Porridge, Open all hours, The Two Ronnies and Open all Hours

Steve Coogan for the legend Alan Partridge

Bob Mortimer, Vic Reeves, Matt Lucas for shooting stars and more!

Patricia Routledge for keeping up appearance.

From across the pond. Richard Pryor & Gene Wilder. Just terrific, I could watch time and time again. See no evil, hear no evil. Stir Crazy.

Will Ferrell in everything! Anchorman, Step Brothers, Elf, along with Steve Carell who also got me completely hooked on the US Office.

Lastly, Jim Carey. In my adult life these films, Mask, Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty, Dumb and Dumber, Me Myself and Irene and Liar Liar were crucial to me.

These people and more have no idea how valuable they are. I’ve seen all the shows and films more times than I can remember. But you kept me laughing and that’s what has kept me going. I can’t watch real life struggles of others. I struggle coping watching other people sadness. Especially children. I can’t watch hospitals real life shows. I don’t like the real world and real people can be evil.

I love to watch people’s success, especially from adversity. I really celebrate that. I love Susan Boyle on Britain's got Talent. She was 47 like me singing “I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I’m living”. I can relate to that. I account for a good few of them YouTube hits Susan. Thanks for not giving up!

I’m a little bit scared of what’s next, our life has been like Takeshi castle, every time you think your through a spell and winning, something whacks you in the face. I’m kind of conditioned for bad news and bad luck. Therefore, you also need to define success. When I strip it back though, I did do it. I did it, I broke the cycle, everything else is a bonus.

I think I will also look to make a difference for other people suffering and lost in life. One thing I’m completely comfortable with, is that I don’t believe any commercial shareholder private business should be profiting from people that are poor and desperate.

One last thing (I Promise). I hear often some friends complaining about their parents nagging them. I never had that; I wish I had! Along the way, I’m sure my parents would have given me some advice that would have stopped me making some poor choices. Please don’t take them for granted, they are the only people maybe in the world that only want to see you happy with nothing to gain. They have maybe had some hardships and don’t want you to feel that pain. Even if they are a pain, even if you don’t listen, thank them, and give them a cuddle. It’s certainly been tougher learning without that guidance.

Welcome to ProfitinPoor. We are going to put a stop to these horrible companies and evil directors.

Tony McCool


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