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Showing posts from January, 2023

The Broken UK NHS - A Patients View

 I've just seen the details of desperation and despair from an Emergency Doctor that was shared today. Sadly I have been a regular visitor to various NHS hospitals over the last 6 years and we really have seen all the good the great and the terribly sad due to the whole system bursting at the seems. This is not criticism of staff per se, I'm supporting them. Its not an 'opinion' but its what I have seen and I will share to help, a patients recent perspective I think adds weight to what that disastrous situation the doctor is describing.  In the last two weeks we have needed to attend A&E and I want to share what I witnessed.  Two weeks  ago I went in the morning. I was completely blown away. It was packed. I thought I was queuing up at a turnstile for a sports event. Once we were checked in, we tried to find a seat but there wasn't any. It was very enclosed and lots of cold and flu symptoms and especially sad to see so many children. This is bang in the middle o